Helping you make wise decisions in your life

When did you last regret a decision you made? Can you envision where you would be today if you had made that decision differently? Imagine what you could achieve in your life, in your business and even in the world if you could always think, decide and act with true wisdom. The good news is, you can. With the right tools and techniques you can learn how to make decisions that have the most positive impact on all concerned.

Friday, 3 April 2009


The GFC. How far is the "tide going out", and when will it come back? Sobering statistics at the Australia China Business Council meeting I attended last night. Some Chinese constructions firms have seen demand go down to 20% (not down BY 20%, but down TO 20%)! The Chinese have never experienced a recession and they're worried. The view was put that such a dramatic fall in demand will take years to return, if ever. We have just entered a new era of low demand. This is the new normal. The tide has gone out and perhaps we won't see it come back, at least not to the same level it was before.


BR said...

A clear example of what happens when "Attachment" doesn't get what it wants (Ref: Wisdom in Buddhism)
We're now watching Anger, Panic and Frustration arising. Will we ever learn? Will we ever have clear vision? Or will continue to be deluded?

Peter Webb said...

Yes, well said, and on a global scale. Perhaps we can only be effective one-to-one.

Peter Webb said...

Yes, well said, and on a global scale. Perhaps we can only be effective one-to-one.